Supporting our Employees

Creating amazing places starts with a great team. Our 1,300-strong team of talented people drive us with the new ideas, passion and creativity that helps us to succeed. We support our workforce and listen to their feedback so we can create an environment where our employees thrive.

Our success depends on attracting and retaining the most talented employees. The passion and vision that drove us to create Canary Wharf over the past 30 years is the same passion that drives us today. We strive to recognise the hard work and dedication of all our staff and foster a working environment that supports them, nurtures their talent and provides opportunities to grow.

Training for Success

In 2019, we hired 15 new graduates across a range of departments through our graduate programme, providing them with the training and support they need to start their careers. We also hired three new apprentices and hosted five interns across a range of different departments throughout 2019. Our employee turnover in 2019 was 11.86%.

We support our staff by encouraging them to continue their professional development through a range of training, practical workshops and mentorship. In addition to hiring new apprentices, we also support colleagues to further their education by starting apprenticeships via the levy. Throughout the years we have also supported several of our managers to go through the UK Green Building Council Future Leaders programme, helping to build strong links to industry partners and opening up opportunities for collaboration and innovation across the sector.

In 2019 we launched our Group Mentoring Scheme to support the personal and professional development of our employees and to promote knowledge sharing across the organisation. Mentees are able to select career development, leadership skills, or technical knowledge as a focus area, and are matched with mentors that will give them the greatest benefit in that area. Mentors are given training to enhance their leadership skills, allowing them to provide their mentees with the best possible advice and guide them in reaching their full potential.

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