Making Sustainability Real
For the past 30 years, our strategy has been centred on building places that are better for everyone. We’ve been focused on creating extraordinary environments that meet the needs of today while preparing for the challenges of tomorrow. This means driving a circular economy, where nothing is wasted, and designing creatively, in a way that allows human wellbeing and biodiversity to flourish. It means reducing our carbon footprint and building in climate change resilience. Most importantly, it means creating spaces that hold something for everyone – whether you work here, live here, or just come to relax.
In 2019 we re-assessed our sustainability risks and we have identified six new material risks to the organisation. These risks are as follows:
- Climate Change: Not addressing our corporate responsibilities and missing long-term local and global requirements
- Unethical Supply Chain: Reputational damage resulting from un-ethical local or global suppliers
- Resource Scarcity: Failure to recognise that waste is a resource and to capitalise on significant benefit available to the Group
- Unhealthy Built Environment: Failure to demonstrate ‘wellness’ of the Estate
- External Stakeholder Perceptions: Failure to engage our stakeholders effectively on sustainability to maximise outcomes
- CWG Sustainability Awareness: Failure to appropriately address emerging sustainability trends and opportunities, which impact the Group
In order to address these risks and to continue to address our impacts throughout our operations, we are focusing our strategy into four key areas:
These four focus areas will allow us to tackle our biggest environmental impacts and maintain our commitment to ethical and responsible business. We are setting our sights on long-term goals; the targets we’re developing are bold, ambitious, and far-reaching. We’ve published targets for 2020 for each working group in this report and will be publishing our full long-term plan, along with our pathway to net zero, later this year. This framework is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure that we are fully aligned with the global agenda.
Better Together
– Advocating health, wellbeing and creativity
– Promoting long-term sustainable results
– Making a positive contribution to resource ecosystems and climate change
– Being a good neighbour
– Offering economic opportunity
– Supporting projects and organisations that improve lives
– Ensuring sustainable sourcing by working closely with suppliers
– Enabling future talent to flourish
– Supporting access to new markets and addressing socio-economic challenges
– Designing, monitoring and minimising resource use throughout the lifecycle
– Reducing energy use and emissions
– Delivering high quality developments